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Cristiana Saballos

My name is Cristiana Saballos and I want to be your Treasurer.


I am from Rockville, Maryland, however I was originally born in Nicaragua, a small country in Central America. I joined SGA as freshman senator and ever since I have been committed to advocating for the students of Towson University. During my sophomore year, I became the RA for the Political Engagement floor while still being involved in SGA as the Director of Student Organizations. In this position I was able to work directly with student organizations and identify the internal issues that prohibits groups from accessing resources and reaching their full potential.  Hearing student organization’s issues has empowered me to run for Executive Board and give agency back to the students, and as your treasurer I want to ensure that student organizations and the students of Towson are given all of the monetary help possible to make Towson the best it can be. 

Resident Assistant, Tower B (2016-17)
Director of Student Organizations, SGA (2016-17) 


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